Woocommerce Sidebar moves to bottom

Any news on a fix from the developer?

I see you’re still saying it works with WooCommerce on the Unite page Unite - Free WordPress Wedding Theme - Colorlib which is not true.

Please chase the developer for a fix.

Hello there,

Thanks for keeping in touch with us.
We have already notified the developer about this but creating a fix for this kind of issue would take a bit of time as it needs to be tested on multiple browsers and tested with different plugins to ensure that the fix works properly with WordPress.

Best Regards,

The theme already works fine with Wordpress as we’ve discussed, it’s the WooCommerce side of things that needs attention. Four months since this was raised as an issue and still no word from the developer, despite kkr17 and myself pointing out where the problem is.

As an interim measure you should remove the text from the Unite page that says it works with Woocommerce. Or at least change it to say works with WooCommerce up to version 3.2.6.

Sorry for this problem, it will be fixed definitely
Guys, you should not forget we are doing all this stuff absolutely for free, we have not 3 or 4 products and keeping them all time updated is not an easy job as seems :slight_smile:

Maybe a bit late but I managed to stop the sidebar moving to the bottom and I am using the latest version of woocommerce as of Oct 2018. This has not affected the rest of my website, however, I am not saying it will work for everyone.

In the unite theme folder select the ‘header.php’
at the bottom there is a div
<div class=“row <?php echo $layout_class; ?>”> – this php added side-pull-left on my site
comment it out
<!-- <div class=“row <?php echo $layout_class; ?>”>–>
and add a new div with no class

The problem is that the ‘row’ was only including the ‘primary’ - woocommerce component
not the ‘secondary’ - the sidebar component.

As mentioned this worked for me but depends how you set your site up.

Hello ,

Thanks for posting your solution here, it will be very useful for the other users.

Best Regards,