Tempalte purchased

Hello , I recently downloaded the Klift template for free, I started working on it but I saw when changing the footer, that it was necessary to have the license, so I bought the license for the Klift template at $ 19. My question is: What should I do after I buy it? Do I have to change something in my docs? Or can I continue to use the one I made even though I had not paid for the license?
How did I prove that I bought it?

Thank you for enlightening me on this subject and explaining the steps to be taken.
Ps: I used google trad to make this text, sorry in advance if there are any mistakes.

Sincerely, Warelux

No answer to offer me?

hey there

Thank you for purchasing Warelux

Once you obtain a license you get all the rights to remove credits from the footer, so, all you need to do is to remove the footer template, no extra steps are necessary
