Search bar & button in slide show

Tyche Theme Thanks for helping us

1- how can I change the search bar (see picture red arrow) to be a product search instead of general search?

2- There is 2 button that you can use(see picture Green arrow) , problem is that if you want only one, it switch the button format to the button #2 which is white, so if I want to use the blue button , which is the firs, I have to put at least 1 letter in the button #2 which now appear also. Or is there a way to edit the button format per picture as the picture difference might not be the same color background. exemple my second pict background is white so you dont see the button.

3-I have an issue with Variation picture on product page, with your theme, they are display in 2 column or 3 if i decrease the size of the picture. it is not utilizing the full space available. when I tried other theme they show in 5 column. Since I have 19 variation it extend te page down to much

hey there

  1. I’m sorry but without customization, this is not possible, however, you may integrate third-party plugins to change functionality of the search
  2. where is the white button? lets say on this product? I need to see the probelm
  3. same here, I need to see the problem, please provide direct link to the product page and screenshot

for item 2 It is on the HOME page

as you can see there is 2 button in the slider picture " Shop now" & "Wholesale "
in the second picture I wanted only one button “Buy now” but if I place only text in one of the 2 buttons
so I had to do like in picture #3

visit page

it should be like the 2 nd picture , not like the first, and right now it is like the 1st picture.


  1. You may use this css code to fix button problem:

.main-slider .hero-caption .btn-group a {
background: #2279d3 !important;

  1. You may use this css code:

td.value.woo-variation-items-wrapper {
position: relative;
top: 52px;
width: 100%;
.woocommerce div.product form.cart .variations td.label {
padding-right: 1em;
width: 100%;
position: absolute;

it is all fixed

you can put case to resolved

Nice to hear that

Case closed