Edit Shapely Contact Section Form German

I use Shapely Theme and the website is german. So I want to change “phone” to “telefon” in the contact section form of shapely (NOT contact form 7 or other!) In frontpage customizer it is not possible, too. I installed all plugins the support suggested in past to fix this problem: say what, loco translate and string locator, but nothing worked the way it should. Can you tell me, please, where in source code can the shapely contact section form be found? I´m able to change the code, when I know where. Would be great if you can provide me with the exactly path.
Fast help would be great, my customer is pretty impatient.
Thank you!

Hi there

string locator plugin can help you identify the location of any string in any theme or in any plugin,
Please try to search it in the companion plugin and not in the theme

Hello! If I want to use string locator, I get this: Warnung
Die Speichergrenze wird bald überschritten, bevor die Suche gestartet wurde, dies könnte ein Anzeichen für eine baldige Fehlfunktion deiner Website sein. Das bedeutet leider, dass dieses Plugin nicht in der Lage ist, eine Suche durchzuführen. Aktueller Speicherverbrauch: 65792000 von 1 Bytes. I use a caching tool, the cache should not be the problem. I tried to get information about it, but there is nothing in the internet that helps.
Why can´t you give a detailed guide to fix that? There a others with the same problem. I do not have the time to search for hours for it, I´m really sorry.

Hi there

Your WordPress runs out of memory, please increase it to the 256Mb and try again, follow this link for more info:

I’m sorry, but this is a general solution that will work for any case, for any theme and for any plugin