Content not showing in widgets

I noticed that the content of some of my widgets which consists of images and links is not showing anymore.
The widgets are in the footer area but the issue persists if I move them to another part of the page.
Here is my site:
If I look at the source page everything seems OK.


Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

Do you have an image of how the page should appear?

Please go to Dashboard > Updates and install any pending updates available.

Best Regards,

Hello, I don’t have any image of how the page should appear, but the two images not showing are two logos and they were OK the last time I checked. They are still there, in my media collection on the site.
I have already updated everything. No pending updates.

Hey there

Stefania please try to add widgets again, from scratch, you can even add new image if some images are not visible right now
Also, from what i see now images in the widget are stored in the jetpack server, please check the setting of this plugin or disable it temporary

If I disable the plugin, the images appear. Why is that, though?
What should I do? Thanks.

@stefania you can ask this question to plugin support, if im not wrong you are using CDN function (Module) of the Jetpack and that’s the problem, disable this module and try again, for more help get in touch with the plugin support, i believe they can provide better support than me