tagline and social buttons are too small

here is my site:

I would like my tag line and social buttons to be a little bigger.

What css code should i add to it?


Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out.
In reference to your question here, please try out the following CSS codes within the Appearance>Customize>Additional CSS section:

#social-menu li a:before {
font-size: 22px;
p.site-description {
font-size: 30px !important;

I hope this helps.
Best Regards,

thank you, it worked.

Can i change the font of the site description?

the “magnet to all things weird” part?


can i change the color of the social buttons?

Hi there,
Thanks for writing back.
In that case, could you try out the following CSS codes:

p.site-description {
font-family: serif !important;
#social-menu li a {
color: rgba( 241, 171, 178, .93 );

I hope this helps.
Best Regards,


Your support is very good, im doing good editing the little things of the site.

When i go to evelisionvision.com/ on my mobile phone, the menu is still red.

I would like the menu to be grey like the other parts of the mobile menu.

Also what fonts are supported so i can edit the “magnet to all things weird” tagline to my preferred font?

On the homepage, there is a big gap between the nav bar and the footer, im looking at plugins that can hide that part or minimize it.

Can you help with that also?


hey there

Please add this CSS in appearance - customize - additional CSS

@media screen and (max-width: 768px){
.main-navigation .blaskan-main-menu > ul, .main-navigation .blaskan-main-menu > div {
width: 100%;
background: #a09d9d;

  1. fonts can be changed from the theme options, from appearance > customize
  2. use this css to reduce space, im sure there is no such plugin in nature :slight_smile:

header#masthead {
margin-bottom: 0px;

Colorlib Support Team

Yes, Tagline may be ignored but social buttons should increased in size so that it can be clear to the users and users can visit social pages and know more about this forum.

Hello @stevenhawking,

Please refrain from adding irrelevant links to the threads.

Best Regards,


Finally i would like to change the “proudly powered by wordpress” to “proudly built by this day design”


Hello there,

You can go to Appearance > Editor > Theme footer and you can change that section there.

Best Regards,