Sub Menus Under Main Heading Remains Open In Mobile Devices


I have just created a menu in my illdy website and the main heading drop downs to show the submenus in PC, but in mobile devices they remain open and no option to click them down–means the main heading doesn’t have the collapse effect when I use my site in mobile devices.

Please suggest how to fix this issue.


Hey there

Let me see it, please provide a link to the page


Please check on mobile devices.

Hi Kashif

Well, that’s normally, because this is how theme works, you may compare it to our demo, I know its little bit different but this is normally functionality of the menu, so, there is no problem

Hello, It all depends on the theme you are using. This is what we have to accept it as it is.

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Don’t we have any css to create a dropdown in mobile devices?

Hey there

Im sorry, but only with css this is not possible to fix, I would love to help but the only css is not possible here