Landing Page

Hi there :slight_smile:

How can I customize a single page (no footer and heading) in order to create a landing page ??

My page:

Thanks in advance !

Hey there

If you want to have a landing page there most probably utilizing page builder is one of the best ideas, it will give you better options to customize every corner of the page

Yes but I need a very simple design.

Hey there

Well, in this case, it depends on you, you know how the demo of the theme looks like and you can create similar for you, plus, if you have experience with HTML you may add some new elements and style them by css, there is no predefined answer on this question, customization is an abstract thing, it might beast for one and impossible for others, while I don’t know what is your goal I cant provide a clear answer


My question was clear, I wanted to remove header and footer from a page.
If I would know HTML I wouldn’t have posted…it is for sure a newbie question.

I just found by myself that adding two lines of CSS solves my problem,
Your approach to the answer is from the developer side, but I am asking from the user side.
Thank you.

Nice to hear you found the solution, please consider, HTML templates are mostly as is, if you know how to work with HTML template then you will be able to work with any HTML, questions here are not about the particular template, but about HTML itself in general

Have a great day, I will close this case