Font name for shapely buttons

Hi, I’m trying to match the font for my buttons on a convertkit form but am not sure what default font is used for the shapely call to action buttons. Your assistance would be very much appreciated (:

hey there

Please provide a direct link to the page, and let me know which font you want to apply on which element


Thanks for your quick reply. My site is currently not live so I can’t provide a link. I have the CSS for my ConvertKit form to change the button font but I don’t know what the shapely default font is called. Can you please tell me what the font is in the demo for the purple buttons? Front Page - Shapely Demo


Yes, of course, its Releway font used in the theme and on that buttons

Ahh great yes Raleway is the one, thanks so much (:

You are most welcome :slight_smile:

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