Dazzling Homepage (like Demo)


I am trying to set up my homepage exactly like the demo site where by the dazzling latest post widget appears to the right of the main content (all below the slider). I have tried updating the widget settings on the homepage using the customiser but this results with the widget displaying below the text.

Is there a way to fix this?

Many thanks,

Hey there

Let me see it, please provide ink to the page

Thanks for your quick reply. I am currently developing the site on a local server. Is there any other way I can share this with you? I’ve tried to illustrate the issue in the screenshot below:

Kind regards,


The theme may be outdated.
Please go to Dashboard > Updates and ensure that all the updates for the theme and plugins have been installed.

Best Regards,


It still doesn’t seem to work, do you need to add the dazzling popular post widget to the Hompage Widget 1/2/3 to achieve this?

Just wondering if I have configured this incorrectly.

Many thanks,

Hello Jack

From what i see on the picture is that page is not set to have sidebar its full-width layout, you need to enable sidebar for this page, please check again

Thanks again for your help.

Is there a way to create a different sidebar, specific to the homepage? Sorry if it’s obvious, I am finding my feet with WP.


You can go to Appearance > Widgets > Sidebar and edit the sidebar by adding widgets there or removing them.
The theme does not have the option to have a separate sidebar for the homepage.

Best Regards,