Changes in single post page

First I want to thank you for the excellent and modern theme!
I write through Google translator, I hope you will understand.
I need your help to change the single post page:
1. I want to display the main grid under post
2. I want to insert a banner or widget in this place (2)
3. How to display icon “play”? I have a video site and people should have this clear.

Your options? Thank you!

Your questions are easy to understand despite the fact you used Google Translate.

  1. The easiest solution would be to use some plugin such as this one to add “Related Posts” but it will look very similar.

  2. To add banners inside content you can use plugin such as this one. While it has “Adsense” name in it you can use it with any banner code. You can put a picture code in there and it will display perfectly Fine. There are plenty of options available for this plugin available to add your banner where you want.

  3. This one is not easy and requires a lot of works to be implemented. It also needs some more specific guidelines where and how this play button should appear. This is definitely out of scope of free support.